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10 Things I Love About Garden Crew

by: Shannon Kyler, North Programs Manager, City Sprouts

ID: 2024 Garden Crew - A group of 16 people posing for a photo outdoors. Some are standing, and some are kneeling or crouching on the grass, with trees in the background

Wednesday nights are often my favorite night of the week. The sun has moved behind the trees, making the garden a pleasant green oasis in the summer heat. Garden Crew volunteers start to trickle in around 6:00 PM and we gather to make a plan, see what is ready to harvest, and chat about everyone’s week.

ID: A hand holding freshly-picked figs from the greenhouse dome in City Sprouts North Community Garden

Since we started Garden Crew in 2022, I have had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people who have helped make our garden and organization great. I am looking forward to continuing to grow those relationships (and the garden) for many years to come.

ID: A young woman planting a pepper seedling (i.e., baby plant) into raised garden bed soil

I love a good list, so here is a garden crew themed one (below).  Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you want more information on joining garden crew, or just come pop in on a Wednesday night. We will be happy to see you!

ID: Three people stand outside near a table smiling and holding plant markers and garden signs. Various gardening tools and materials are on the table. Trees and a white geodesic greenhouse dome are visible in the background

10 Things I Love about Garden Crew

  1. Although most of the crew did not know each other before coming to volunteer at City Sprouts, they have not hesitated to make new connections and are so friendly and welcoming to everyone.

  2. They jump on any garden task without hesitation or complaint.

  3. Former City Sprouts Executive Director Katie, and staff Cian and Megan, are part of the crew (I think it says a lot when you still want to show up at your old job).

  4. We spend a lot of time laughing.

  5. They are creative/artistic.

  6. They harvest produce and split it up amongst them (sharing is caring!).

  7. They are curious and eager to learn.

  8. They make beautiful bouquets with flowers from the garden.

  9. They bring friends to share in the space.

  10. I always leave garden nights in a good mood with a sense of accomplishment.

ID: A group photograph taken outdoors on a grassy area. In the foreground, there is a close-up of a person taking a selfie. Behind this person, 16 others are gathered and posing for the photograph. The group includes a mix of people standing and squatting. They are standing in an area with green grass, and there are trees or bushes in the background providing a leafy backdrop


To learn more about Garden Crew and how to get involved, email Shannon Kyler, North Programs Manager, at


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