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The Dorothy Patach Environmental Area, located at 20th and N Street, has seen many changes over the years, from a lot that collected trash to a lot that community made green again. In 2015, community activists gathered together to change part of the 7-acre area from a dumping site to a garden and community destination. With support from community organizations including the University of Nebraska Medical Center – College of Public Health, the Latino Center of the Midlands, Omaha South High School, One World Community Health Center, South Omaha Boys and Girls Club, South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance (SONA), and community volunteers, City Sprouts South was formed. City Sprouts South seeks to provide a hub for the community to grow together, and create a space that supports a healthier Omaha!

Community Garden

City Sprouts South is located at 1815 N St, and was founded by volunteers from South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance (SONA) with the goal of providing healthy and nutritious food for communities. Our community garden provides neighbors with access to healthy soil, water, seeds, transplants, plenty of sunlight, advice, and support. 


Huerto comunitario

City Sprouts South está localizado en el No. 1815 de la calle N, y fue fundado por voluntarios de SONA con el objetivo de proporcionar alimentos saludables y nutritivos para las comunidades. Nuestro huerto comunitario proporciona a los vecinos  acceso a suelo sano, agua, semillas, trasplantes, mucha luz solar, consejos y apoyo. 

Internship program

City Sprouts South internship began in 2016. Interns are paid and work a total of 200 hours throughout the season. They learn about food systems, how to plan a garden, prepare beds, use cover crops, save seed, and how to plant, harvest, and preserve vegetables. Interns lead garden classes for neighborhood kids and take care of our FREE FARM. Applications are available in the spring.


Programa de internado

El programa de internado de CIty Sprouts South comenzó en 2016. Los estudiantes practicantes reciben pago y trabajan un total de 200 horas a lo largo de la temporada. Estos aprenden acerca de los sistemas alimentarios, cómo planificar un huerto, preparar las (camas, cajoneras, lechos) de cultivo, utilizar cultivos de cobertura, salvar semillas y cómo plantar, cosechar y conservar hortalizas. Los practicantes conducen clases de jardinería para niños del vecindario y cuidan de nuestro HUERTO GRATUITO. Las solicitudes están disponibles en (durante)  la primavera, vea para detalles.

Growing Gardeners workshops

We provide year-round gardening classes. Workshops cover gardening basics like starting seeds and planning a garden to more advanced infrastructure topics like building boxed beds, cold frames and solar dehydrators to whole systems tutorials on water quality and agroecology.



Ofrecemos clases de jardinería durante todo el año. Los talleres cubren los aspectos básicos de la jardinería como comenzar la siembra de semillas y la planificación de un huerto hasta temas de infraestructura más avanzados, como la construcción de (camas, cajoneras) de cultivo, marcos fríos y deshidratadores solares, hasta tutorías de sistemas completos sobre calidad del agua y agroecología.

Free Farm

At City Sprouts South we have a clearly marked FREE FARM. The produce in the FREE FARM is available for anybody who would like to pick their own produce. Anybody who would like to help maintain the FREE FARM is welcome to join us for work days on Saturday mornings and help pick for our free farm stand. 


Free Farm

En City Sprouts South hemos establecido claramente un HUERTO GRATUITO. La cosecha en el HUERTO GRATUITO está disponible para cualquier persona que desee recoger sus propios frutos. Cualquier persona que quiera ayudar a cuidar (mantener) el HUERTO GRATUITO es bienvenida a unirse a nosotros durante los días de trabajo, los sábados por la mañana y ayudarnos en el recogido para nuestro puesto de productos gratis.


South Campus Education Center & Office

City Sprouts South has a temporary and seasonal location at 5002 19th St, open between the months of March and October. The house serves as an education center and office/workspace for our City Sprouts South Garden Manager and summer interns. 

crazy gringa hot sauce partnership

During the fall of 2015, a partnership was born between Crazy Gringa Hot Sauce (CGHS) and City Sprouts. Over coffee, the leaders of both organizations envisioned a collaboration that would provide customers with not only a deliciously spicy sauce, but one made with hyper-local ingredients. CGHS selected a variety of peppers and City Sprouts grew them from seed to fruit at our City Sprouts South (CSS) garden. By providing relevance and revenue for our CSS Urban Farming Internship and high quality ingredients and community engagement for CGHS, the partnership has proven to be mutually beneficial. This collaboration serves as a viable model for urban food production, processing, and sales. We hope to inspire more businesses to adopt this model as a strategy to strengthening the local food economy.


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4002 Seward St., Omaha, Nebraska 68111

Sustaining Community
Through Gardening
Since 1995

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